More and more companies are realising, that the benefit of building an organisation based on self directed teams leads to increased growth, profit, employee satisfaction, attraction and retainment of the right people.

However, we often meet scepticism and resistance to the concept of self-directed teams, along the lines of:

  • Teams cannot direct themselves
  • Our employees are not ready for this
  • We will lose efficiency and direction
  • We will lose control with lack of clear responsibility and transparency

We acknowledge these concerns and fully appreciate that changes and radical new ways of working together will generate a sense of uncertainty and a feeling of loss of control.

We sometimes observe that:

  • Accountability does not necessarily equate doing the right thing
  • Autonomy does not necessarily  equate freedom
  • Decentralisation does not necessarily equate team power

For most teams these are new conditions that need to be adapted to. As in all other learning, practice makes perfect and many adjustments may be necessary along the way to reach the goal of a fully self directed team.

The wisdom is, that a self directed team is not fully fledged just because the structure is in place. It requires  support at strategic level as well as the space to learn through trial and error, mandate to make decisions and last but not least priority to build interpersonal relationships.


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